Platinum tier

Marcus Ryan Admin with 571 points

Gold tier

Ismar Lacevic with 121 points

Silver tier

Teemu Semi with 83 points

Jacopo Losso with 81 points

Elena Stefanatou with 81 points

Lucia Martinez with 64 points

Nathan Clos with 52 points


Huseyin R Demirhisar with 47 points

Keti Chikhladze with 44 points

Iro Tsagareishvili with 40 points

JP (Jacopo Piccagli) with 38 points

George Simongulashvili with 35 points

Irina - Paula Albu with 32 points

Office A4W with 30 points

Caroline Sai with 28 points

Denes Csiszar with 28 points

Stefan Morcov with 28 points

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